TEWA BARNOSA                                                                                           INFO  /  WORKS 

︎Texts // Notes

On contradictions
Structure of decay
Berlin: the never ending deaths

︎Exhibitions // Projects

Shifting Sands 
Open sesame: A photophobic experiment  
Kashkoul of collective resistance 
The Green Book 
Across Borders 
︎ Selected interviews
and articles:

The revolutionary practice of Tewa Barnosa uplifts the contemporary Libyan art scene
Read More

Open sesame: A photophobic experiment
Erkan Affan in conversation with Tewa Barnosa
Read Article 

ORIENTierungsplan #4
On Cultural Production & Conflict Zones  
In conversation with Tewa Barnosa
Play episode 

Gallery Girl meets Tewa Barnosa
Play podcast 

On artistic documentation of civil war
Text by Marion Meyer-Radtke for Martin Roth initiative
Play Audioslide 

2019: Da Meri Podcast:
Tracing the Libyan civilisation
A conversation with Tewa Barnosa
Play Podcast